240 417 -9657

Law Enforcement Training and Consultants
Professional Investigations
Contract Federal Background Investigations
Professional Speaker | Judo Instructor

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Gangs in Prison and Jail and How to Deal with Them

Perhaps one of the most beneficial training's I received in my law enforcement career was working inside the Los Angeles County jail system as a deputy sheriff. Prior to my joining the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department my experiences with correctional facilities was picking up a fugitive from a jail/prison and returning them to Illinois, or b...

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  4035 Hits

Interviewing and Interrogating Gang Members

  5011 Hits

Chicago Gang Graffiti and it's meaning

Chicago Street Gangs are not only very violent, but they rely on a belief system that entails symbols. For instance the Vice Lords represent with eight different symbols; all having significant meaning. Chicago Gang Graffiti implements these symbols in positive and negative ways. The enemy will either turn a rival symbol upside down, run a jagged e...

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  25090 Hits

Identifying Extremist and Supremacist Gangs

  3286 Hits


  4018 Hits


When I was six years (1953) old my parents took me to Los Angeles, California to visit my maternal grandparents. My grandparents, Henry and Ida Davis lived in the 3600 block of 10th Avenue, which at the time was predominately Japanese-American.My aunt and uncle, Harry and Irma Davis lived next door to the South, and the Kobiyashi family to the Nort...

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  4173 Hits

Why Kids are attracted to Gangs… And How Martial Arts Save Them?

As a forty year veteran of Law Enforcement, who actively worked street gangs for the vast majority of his career, I have a unique perspective of "Why Kids are attracted to Gangs?" They are attracted to gangs because of fear, or they seek family or protection, or they see how quickly money is made. That is the Law Enforcement version. But I also hav...

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  4177 Hits

Sometimes I Wonder?

Sometimes I wonder why I became a License Professional Investigator. Once people discovered that I was a Licensed Professional Investigator, I received several inquiries a month from retired police officers who are interested in this line of work. I am intrigued by some of their questions, because they do not understand what they are truly getting ...

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  4041 Hits

Lessons Learned

I have been a private investigator for three years now, and experienced my first client issue recently. I knew it would happen sooner or later, but it was the way it happened, and I blame myself. I had several domestic cases, and they all went smoothly. But I should have reverted to my old law enforcement "gut" on this one. The client was referred ...

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  3907 Hits

Waiting on the call

Waiting on the call from the client or pending customer can be frustrating and stressful. You make an appointment with your prospective client, or respond to a call from the potential customer, and give your very best resume of yourself and your business, and outline in detail what the costs will be, and they look at you and say, "I have to think a...

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  3777 Hits

Private Investigators and the Retainer Fee

When I first meet with a potential client the first question they ask is, "How much do you charge?" That initial meeting determines a lot of things. First there is the initial impression. I never discuss fees until I have gotten to know my client. Secondly I explain every detail of what I am going to do for them. Thirdly I demand the truth. And las...

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  29511 Hits

Life after the Police Department as a Private Investigator

I retired from the Prince George's County Police Department in December, 2009 after a forty year career that began in Illinois in July, 1969. During my career I testified in court, conducted numerous successful investigations, and arrested a lot of people. Several years ago someone asked me how many people I thought I arrested in forty years. I sai...

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  3936 Hits

Private Investigators and the Retainer Fee

For many years as a Law Enforcement officer and trainer, I have alluded to the fact that White street gangs exist. I know; I grew up with and fought them growing up in Chicago, Illinois. At times that has been met by a lot of consternation and at one point while teaching in the South I was characterized as a racist in one evaluation. That perceptio...

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  14241 Hits

Identifying Local Neighborhood Gangs

In my forty year law enforcement career I have worked in Illinois, California, and Maryland. While growing up in Chicago, Illinois in the late 1950's to the middle 1960's the gangs that existed were neighborhood based gangs. For instance the Deacons controlled Ida B. Wells public housing, and I grew up around the Dell Vikings and 58th Street Gang. ...

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  4380 Hits

Life after the Police Department as a Private Investigator

I have been fortunate to conduct gang training throughout the United States on a continuous basis since 1992. This includes a Basic Gangs course and an Advanced Gang Investigations course. But I seem to fool quite a few people when throughout the course of the training, which lasts anywhere from two to five days, I talk about what you can do to hel...

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  2861 Hits

Identifying Local Neighborhood Gangs

There has become this mistrust among police officers and prosecutors in the past ten years. The police officers feel the prosecutor is lazy and disinterested, and the prosecutor feels the police officer hasn't put the case together sufficiently for it to be prosecuted. I know this statement is "beating a dead horse," but there must be a connection;...

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  3370 Hits

White Street Gangs

A missing person is a person who has disappeared for usually unknown reasons. In order for a private investigator to find a missing person you will need to provide them with as much information as possible. It would be helpful if you could provide the private investigator with name, date of birth, social security number, age, last address known or ...

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  3038 Hits

Chicago Gang Graffiti and it's meaning

Since 1998 I have taught the Basic Gangs class at the Regional Counterdrug Training Academy (RCTA) in Meridian, Mississippi. The majority of the criminal justice professionals who attend are from the Southern States, but in 2009 I was very surprised when two officers from the Columbus, Ohio Police Department introduced themselves. One of the questi...

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  2844 Hits

Gangs in Prison and Jail and How to Deal with Them

Are street gangs really different? Are West Coast Gangs different from Midwest Gangs? Are East Coast Gangs different from Southern Gangs? The answer is they are all the same with a few "twists of lemon." I was very fortunate in my forty year law enforcement career. I worked gangs in Chicago, Illinois; I worked gangs in Los Angeles, California, and ...

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  5527 Hits

Identifying Extremist and Supremacist Gangs

Chicago has always been a violent city. When I grew up there in the 1950s and 1960s, you had neighborhood gangs like the Deacons and 58th Street. Then when the Blackstone Rangers were formed in 1959, a new episode of gang violence began. I remember Englewood being a violent neighborhood growing up. And I remember taking the "El" train to 63rd and H...

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  3172 Hits